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Balkon's Weapons - Remastered
Had a wave of inspiration and haven't had much time to work on my main project so decided to work on a quick little side project. One of the few Bukkit ports for Beta 1.7.3 from 2011 is Balkon's Weapons but unfortunately, the port experienced many issues.
This remaster is meant to fix this port. Here are just some of this remaster's features: *Bukkit integration with standard Bukkit events, CraftEntity and custom Bukkit events. *Entities work properly in MP (including particles, sounds and other packets) *Shared reload states among separate items *Config rewrite (old one SUCKED) *Shooter of an entity is now written to NBT *Entities not saving in world properly *Sound fixes, mapping fixes, damage fixes and so much more! *Tons of other small issues (seriously I was amazed at how many bugs there were I could not keep track of all of them) *These fixes of course apply to client side too. So even in SP this is really good to have over the original mod
Regarding flails: *The flail is a unique weapon in both how it is used and how it is implemented in code. *The flail is actually the only weapon not implemented at all in the incomplete bukkit port. There is an option in the config to suggest that it was considered but there is precisely 0 code for the flails themselves. The devs gave up on it, presumably due to frustration. *So I ported it and got it working, however this was with the old shared state method, something terrible that should not be done. So I implemented my reload state mechanisms but due to the fact that the item gets damaged only after the projectile has hit something it was not so simple. *On client side it works flawlessly, unless you put it in a container while the flail is deployed (and possibly other scenarios). *On MP it is completely broken and does not work as intended. *I know why both of these issues occur but I honestly cannot be asked to fix them. With Base edits it's easy, although I don't want to do that. Someone else can if they like. Maybe I'll revisit it some day. *For this reason Flails will be disabled by default in the config. You can enable them but I would not recommend it.
This may or may not work with the original version of the mod. Backup your world before trying anything! I am not responsible for any damage that this may cause.
Install in jar, mods folder may not work (even if you have FMF)!
Dependencies: *ModLoader (Client only) *ModLoaderMP *PlayerAPI (I recommend Forge edition) *SarcASM (Client only) *Mixtures (Client only) *ASM (Client only)
Edited classes: -RenderLiving (Client only) -EntityLiving
Highly recommended but not required: *BadPacketIDFix *MPEntityMountFix *Packet Speedup patch
These class edits are done for poison on darts. If this conflicts with anything, you can just disable the dart shooter in the config and omit these base edits. The mod would still work fine, sans the dart shooter of course.
Also quick debunk: Forge also edits EntityLiving so you may think that this is incompatible, but it is not. Forge does not edit EntityLiving, it does have EntityLiving class in its jar but it is unmodified. For some reason the Forge devs decided to redistribute this unmodified class. In other words, don't worry about it! Just be sure to install this mod AFTER Forge so this base edit takes priority. The same remains true for Reforged.
BalkondeurAlpha : Creator of mod and textures
sismk : Creator of Crossbow textures
CrazyErik : Creator of Dynamite texture
milly_rainbow : Creator of HD Halberd Textures
unkown (Balkonedeur maybe?) : Creator of Unfinished Bukkit Port
mine_diver - Creator and Developer of SarcASM and Mixtures.
Meefy : Developer of the remaster
Incompatible Mods |
Dependencies |
ModLoader |
ModLoaderMP |
PlayerAPI |
Mixtures |
SarcASM |
Optional Dependencies |
Version |
v0.1 |
Edited Classes |