Terms of Use (Rules)

Semi-legal Stuff

  1. Glass-Site reserves the right to remove or modify any content posted, alongside the right to ban users from using this site, at any time, for any reason.
  2. Anything you upload must either have no license, be made by or modified by you under a license that allows redistribution, or have permission from the original author to upload.
  3. When you upload anything to Glass-Site (glass-launcher.net), you are giving Glass-Site and calmilamsy permission to redistribute uploaded content in any way Glass-Site or calmilamsy decides.
  4. When you log into this website, it will store your Discord ID, email, username, avatar ID, discriminator and any content that you decide to upload while logged in.

Site Rules

  1. No excessive swearing. Keep it PG-13.
  2. Do not knowingly exploit bugs on the site. Either make a GitHub issue or send me (calmilamsy) an e-mail/PM.
  3. No harassment or slander of another individual or group.
  4. No hate speech of any kind.
  5. No uploading of automated installers for mods. You may link to them in your mod description though.