
Fabric Better Trapdoors Version 1.1.0

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Slightly Better Trapdoors: Fabric Edition

(This is a port of Gun Man's original base class edit mod, which can be found here:

Slightly Better Trapdoors: Fabric Edition is a simple Cursed Fabric mod for Minecraft b1.7.3 that makes trapdoors less annoying, allowing for more creativity with them, like making a chair.


  1. The mod removes a check that makes sure that the trapdoor has a block to support it. Removing this limitation allows players to make trapdoors float in mid air as well as other neat stuff.

  2. The mod allows trapdoors to be placed on top of (and to an extent bellow) blocks, if the player places a trapdoor on top of a block it will be rotated depending on the players direction.

(Note: You can't directly attach trapdoors to blocks like slabs, you can place the trapdoor on top of a block facing the slab for the same affect)

  1. The mod makes the Axe a preferred tool to mine trapdoors. This means you can mine trapdoors faster with an axe.

Differences from original mod

  • I removed some of the other blocks from the effective/preferred blocks list for the Axe. In my opinion, these other blocks, like signs and such, were out of scope, and so those changes were removed. Axes are still effective on trapdoors though.

So how do I install the mod?

This mod can only be installed with cursed-fabric, which currently only has an instance for MultiMC, not the vanilla launcher, so you will have to download that if you haven't already. You can find that here (Go to Code > Download as ZIP):

Installing with MultiMC

  1. Import the Cursed Fabric Instance by clicking Add Instance, then go to Import from zip, then Click Browse.
  2. Then navigate to the you downloaded, click the file once, click open, then click OK.
  3. Then right or left-click the instance, and then click edit instance.
  4. Then go to Loader Mods and click Add.
  5. Browse to the sbtfabric_<version>_client.jar file you downloaded, click it once, then click open.
  6. Then run the instance.
  7. If everything has loaded correctly, you should be able to place trapdoors on the tops of blocks and so on.

You can now enjoy using trapdoors in Beta 1.7.3 without as many limitations. Hope you have a fun time!


Gun Man - Mod Creator

Meefy - Help With Trapdoor Rotation

Byte - Porting the mod to Cursed Fabric

*Source code:*


Incompatible Mods
Optional Dependencies
Edited Classes